- 分類(lèi):關(guān)于正基
- 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-02-26 13:33:27
- 訪(fǎng)問(wèn)量:0
四川正基巖土工程有限公司是一家專(zhuān)業(yè)從事巖土工程勘察設計、工程測量、地質(zhì)災害評估與治理、工程施工的專(zhuān)業(yè)服務(wù)性高新技術(shù)企業(yè)。公司前身系原綿陽(yáng)市水利電力建筑勘察設計研究院,于 2006年經(jīng)改制分立而成。公司注冊資本1200萬(wàn)元,現有職工68人,其中注冊土木工程師(巖土) 11人、注冊建造師25人、其它注冊人員2人,教授級高工2人,高級工程師13人、工程師26人。公司在成都、德陽(yáng)、海南設立分公司;公司控股企業(yè):四川中信恒基工程檢測有限公司。
公司自改制以來(lái),堅持專(zhuān)業(yè)化發(fā)展道路,目前公司下設綜合部、商務(wù)部、財務(wù)部、資產(chǎn)管理中心、總工辦、工程一公司、工程二公司和工程三公司共8個(gè)部門(mén)。公司持有:工程勘察專(zhuān)業(yè)類(lèi)(巖 土工程、工程測量)甲級資質(zhì);工程勘察專(zhuān)業(yè)類(lèi)(水文地質(zhì)勘察)乙級資質(zhì);勞務(wù)類(lèi)(鑿井、工程鉆 探) ;地基基礎工程專(zhuān)業(yè)承包壹級資質(zhì);市政公用工程施工總承包叁級;測繪乙級資質(zhì);地質(zhì)災害危險性評估乙級資質(zhì);地質(zhì)災害治理設計、施工丙級資質(zhì);排水管道檢測與評估作業(yè)證書(shū);高新技 術(shù)企業(yè)證書(shū)。公司還通過(guò)了質(zhì)量、環(huán)境、職業(yè)健康安全管理體系認證??毓晒舅拇ㄖ行藕慊こ虣z測有限公司具有巖土工程試驗、測試、檢測、監測、物探和建筑地基基礎質(zhì)量檢測類(lèi)資質(zhì),并通過(guò)國家計量認證。
我公司為四川省勘察設計協(xié)會(huì )巖土專(zhuān)委會(huì )理事單位,綿陽(yáng)市勘察設計協(xié)會(huì )理事長(cháng)單位,綿陽(yáng)市勘察設計“服務(wù)綠卡”單位,綿陽(yáng)市建筑施工企業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )理事單位,綿陽(yáng)市測繪協(xié)會(huì )理事長(cháng)單位,綿陽(yáng)遂寧商會(huì )理事單位,綿陽(yáng)市自然資源和規劃局“多測合一”測繪中介服務(wù)機構單位。公司自建立以來(lái),與中水、中鐵、中航、中物院等單位建立了廣泛業(yè)務(wù)合作關(guān)系。
九層之臺,起于累土;基本建設,勘測先行。歷經(jīng)自改制以來(lái)十五年的辛勤磨煉,我公司承擔了各類(lèi)勘察、設計、測量、物探、監測、檢測、地災、施工項目萬(wàn)余項,其中20多個(gè)項目獲得四川省優(yōu)秀勘察設計“四優(yōu)”二、三等獎。同時(shí),我公司先后獲得”綿陽(yáng)市勘察設計協(xié)會(huì )先進(jìn)單位”、 “綿陽(yáng)市勘察設計行業(yè)抗震救災先進(jìn)集體”、“ 綿陽(yáng)市勘察設計協(xié)會(huì )先進(jìn)集體"等榮譽(yù)。
Sichuan Zhengji Geotechnical Engineering Limited Libility Company is a professional service high-technical enterprise specalizing in geotechnical engineering survey and design, engineering survey, geological disaster assessment and treatment, and engineering construction. The predecessor of this company is the former Mianyang Water Conservancy and Electric Power Construction Survey, and design institute, which then was restructured and separated in 2006. The registered capital of this company is 12 million yuan, there are 68 employees including 11 registered civil engineers (geotechnical), 25 registered architects and 2 other registered personnel, 2 professor-level senior engineers, 13 senior engineers, 26 engineers. The company has set up branches in Chengdu city,Deyang city and Hainan province, and the holding enterprise of this company is Sichuan Zhongxin Hengji Engineering Testing Limited Liability Company. Since the company was restructed, the company has adhered toprofes sional development strategy. At pres ent, the company has eight departments including the comprehensive department, commerce department,finace department, the asset management center, the chief engineer's office, the first engineering company, the second engineering company and the Third engineering company. The company holds: Class A qualification of engineering survey specialty (geotechnical engineering and engineering survey), Class B qualification of Engineering Survey (hydrogeological survey), Labor services (shaft sinking and engineering dilling), Grade I qualification for professional contr acting of foundation engineering, Grade II General Contracting of municipal public works construction, Class B qualfication of Surveying and mapping, Grade B qualification for geological hazard risk assessment, Grade c qualification for geological disaster control design and construction, inspection and evaluation certificate of drainage pipeline, and high-technical enterprise certificate. Furthermore, the company has also passed the quality, environment, occupational health and safety management system certification. As the holding enterprise of the company, Sichuan Zhongxin Hengji Engineering Testing Limited Liability Company has the qualifications of geotechnical engineering trial, test, detection, monitoring, geophysical exploration and quality inspection of building foundation, and has passed the national metrological cer tification.
Our company is the council members of the geotechnical committee of Sichuan Provincial Survey and Design Association, Mianyang Survey and Design Association, Mianyang Construction Enterprise Association, Mianyang Surveying and Mapping Association, and Mianyang Suining Chamber of Commerce, the "service green card" unit of Mianyang Survey and Design, and the surveying and mapping intermediary service unit of Mianyang Natural Resources and Planning Bureau. Since its establishment, the com pany has established a wide range of business cooperation with Sinohydro, China Railway , China Aviation and China Academy of Engineering Physics. As a nine-storied tower rises from a heap of earth, survey is the first and key step of capital construction. After 15 years of hard work since restructuring, our company has undertaken various kinds of survey, design, measurement, geophysical exploration, monitoring,detection, geological disasters and construction projects, of which more than 20 projects have won the second and third prizes of excellent survey and design in Sichuan Province. Simutateously, our company has successively won the honors of "advanced unit of Mianyang survey and Design Association", "advanced collective of earthquake relief in Mianyang survey and design industry", "advanced collective of Mianyang survey and Design Association" and so on. In the future development, our company will always put civilized construction and safe production in the first place, based on sichuan, facing the west, serving the whole country, striving to become a world-class professional enterprise, adding bricks and tiles to China's urban construction and making new contributions.
